package com.sromku.simple.fb.entities; import java.util.List; import com.facebook.model.GraphObject; import com.sromku.simple.fb.utils.Utils; import com.sromku.simple.fb.utils.Utils.Converter; /** * @author sromku * @see */ public class Education { private static final String SCHOOL = "school"; private static final String DEGREE = "degree"; private static final String YEAR = "year"; private static final String CONCENTRATION = "concentration"; private static final String TYPE = "type"; private static final String NAME = "name"; private static final String WITH = "with"; private String mSchool; private String mDegree; private String mYear; private List<String> mConcentration; private List<User> mWith; private String mType; private Education(GraphObject graphObject) { // school mSchool = Utils.getPropertyInsideProperty(graphObject, SCHOOL, NAME); // degree mDegree = Utils.getPropertyInsideProperty(graphObject, DEGREE, NAME); // year mYear = Utils.getPropertyInsideProperty(graphObject, YEAR, NAME); /* * concentration */ mConcentration = Utils.createList(graphObject, CONCENTRATION, new Converter<String>() { @Override public String convert(GraphObject graphObject) { return Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, NAME); } }); // with mWith = Utils.createList(graphObject, WITH, new Converter<User>() { @Override public User convert(GraphObject graphObject) { return Utils.createUser(graphObject); } }); // type mType = Utils.getPropertyString(graphObject, TYPE); } public static Education create(GraphObject graphObject) { return new Education(graphObject); } public String getSchool() { return mSchool; } public String getDegree() { return mDegree; } public String getYear() { return mYear; } public List<String> getConcentrations() { return mConcentration; } public List<User> getWith() { return mWith; } public String getType() { return mType; } }